Moving your family to a new town, new home and starting your children in new schools can cause concern. Those concerns could have intensified for Hammond UMC, the new pastor and family.

To ease the concerns of all, the Hammond First UM congregation decided they needed a new parsonage. They needed a home that would provide comfort and security for the Pastor’s family. The Pastor and his family needed a home that would provide appropriate areas to live, play, and be near quality schools in the area. Without assurance that the family is safe and well provided for, a Pastor may not be able to effectively concentrate on the needs of the congregation. Our Congregation was eager to do all they could to nurture the family of the pastor now charged with nurturing them.

The Loan Fund was contacted and the support of hundreds of United Methodist investors was put to good works.

The Hammond First UM congregation was able to provide a great home for the Pastor and his family, enabling him to provide for the needs of his people. They thank God the Loan Fund was permitted to minister to the needs of this wonderful congregation; a congregation that worked to nurture their new leader.